2023 Cornhole Tournament

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As part of Winter Potato Conference 2023, MPIC will host a cornhole tournament during the afternoon’s reception on Thursday, February 2. The event will feature heavy hors d’oeuvres, bar, and Michigan Potato’s second annual cornhole tournament.

All attendees will receive a tracking card that will list the names of each exhibitor booth. Attendees will have the opportunity to visit your booth and receive a special sticker from you that identifies they have visited your booth. For each booth the attendee visits, they will earn one toss at the cornhole board. Prizes will be given to top scorers. Prizes will range from $50 to $200. Prize donors will be displayed in the tournament area denoting the prize they sponsored. If you are interested in donating a prize for the cornhole tournament, please contact Lorri Greenhoe at Lorri@mipotato.com by Friday, December 22, 2022. Please note, you can decide to donate a prize after the deadline, but your company will not be included on the prize board.