Michigan Potatoes is home to three distinct organizations working to grow an economically viable potato industry in Michigan.
Industry Goals
- Expand talent development and collaboration within the industry
- Provide direction for research and sustainability efforts
- Lead promotion of farms and potatoes to the public
- Foster economic growth initiatives
Michigan Potato Industry Commission
MPIC was formed in 1970 by the Michigan legislature as the state’s potato research, promotion, and education organization.
The Commission members, appointed by the Governor, are charged to use the funds assessed on growers and shippers of Michigan potatoes to promote an economically viable potato industry in Michigan.

Potato Growers of Michigan (PGMI)
Created in 1991, Potato Growers of Michigan, Inc. (PGMI) works to keep the legislature and decision makers in Lansing and Washington, D.C. informed on the needs of the Michigan potato industry.

Michigan Seed Potato Association
Seed is one of the most important ingredients to the total potato production management program.