Michigan Potato Industry Commission Meeting
- Location: GreenStone Farm Credit Services, 3515 West Road, East Lansing MI 48823
- Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88159170874?pwd=ryka0xeygVV21g4hyco5j1ttG5qId5.1
- Meeting ID: 881 5917 0874
- Passcode: 856708
10:00 am - Call to order, Ryan Norton, Chair
Approval of Agenda
Public Comment on agenda items
Consent Agenda
- Approval of Minutes from June 20, 2024
- Approval of PGMI Agreement (Policy 2.8)
- Completion of Conflict of Interest Policy Statements (Policy 2.10)
- Approval of Global Ends ED Interpretation (Policy 1.0)
- Approval of Treatment of Consumers ED Interpretation (Policy 2.1)
- Approval of Treatment of Employees ED Interpretation (Policy 2.2)
- Approval of Financial Condition & Activities ED Interpretation (Policy 2.4)
- Approval of Investments ED Interpretation (Policy 2.6)
- Approval of Emergency Succession Plan (Policy 2.09)
- Placement of November Financial Statements on File
(The Consent Agenda is to address agenda items that likely do not need any discussion or debate. These items will be
approved together. Anyone can request that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda and be placed later on the
agenda. It will be assumed that all Commission members have read the information relating to each
recommendation and have asked any pertinent question prior to the Commission meeting. Questions can be
directed to Kelly Turner, 248-343-0916.)
Discussion on Policies
- Global Board-Management Delegation (Section 4)
- Global Ends (Section 1)
Action Items
- Review Variety Advancement and Innovation Committee minutes and recommendations (11/13/24)
- Review Research Committee Recommendations (08/08/24)
- Review Updates to Personnel Policy
- Approval of Budget Adjustments (Policy 2.3)
- 2025 Assessment Rate for Budget Development
- NPC Board and Delegate Appointment
- Review MSU Capital Improvement Requests
- Determine Award winners for 2025 WPC
- Distinguished Service Award
- Outstanding Michigan Potato Partner
- Determine leadership roll over for upcoming commission appointment
- Election of Chair and Vice Chair
- Appointment of PGMI board seat
- Review of audited financial statements (Bradley DeVries, Yeo and Yeo CPAs &
Business Consultants) - Determine possible increase to fixed asset dollar limit
Executive Director Report
- Commissioner Appointment Process
- Assessment Cap Increase Process
- Capital Asset and Equipment Maintenance
- Programing Update
- Winter Potato Conference
- MI Ag CORE Update
- PILI Report
- Reverse Chip Processors Tour 2025
- Calendar of Events
MDARD Report
MSU Report
Public comment on non-agenda items
The Michigan Potato Industry Commission (MPIC) reminds all participants at its meetings that certain topics are not
proper subjects for discussion and consideration at any MPIC meetings of members, officers, directors, committees,
or competitors whether formal or informal. While it is entirely appropriate to meet to discuss common problems
and areas of interest, it must keep in mind that participants may be competitors and any action taken to eliminate,
restrict, or govern competition can be a violation of the anti-trust laws. If there is any discussion at an MPIC
meeting relating to significant factors of competition among the members, an inference may be raised that such a
discussion among competitors is for agreeing upon a common course of business conduct.
Among the subjects which should never be discussed at MPIC meetings are conditions; terms or prices of products
or services; allocating or sharing customers; or refusing to deal with a supplier or class of suppliers. Agreements
among competitors relating to any of these subjects can be per se violations of the antitrust laws and can lead to
criminal and civil penalties.
It is essential that all necessary steps be taken by those attending a MPIC meeting to prevent the meeting from
becoming a forum for discussions which might lead to an understanding or agreement, expressed or implied, with
respect to any element of competition.
MPIC is an equal opportunity employer.