MI Ag Core Logo

MI Ag CORE (Communication, Organization, Relationships, and Engagement) is a development opportunity for any farmer or agricultural professional interested in advancing their leadership skills and experience.

The year-long program consists of seven (7) total sessions (3 in-person and 4 virtual) that cover topics including:
Personality profiles, creating team culture, managing dysfunction, friction, and strong personalities, employee engagement, servant leadership. 
Overview of human resources topics and legal issues related to employment practices and workplace safety. 
Organizational governance.
Public speaking, issue advocacy, and communication.

The proposed educational opportunities will allow participants to learn specific tools to generate measurable results. Developing interpersonal skills and the ability to manage family and business relationships in a productive and meaningful manner leads to a strong farm culture and the ability to attract, grow, and retain multi-generational talent.

Are you applying for restricted use pesticide (RUP) credits? 

Restricted Use Pesticide (RUP) Credits

Please follow the instructions below to submit your certification information.
If the format and information below are not complete, the applicator will not receive the credits.

DO NOT WRITE THE LETTER "P" or "C" and DO NOT INCLUDE THE LEADING ZEROS preceding the Michigan certification number.
First name must be in ALL CAPS
Last name must be in ALL CAPS
Commercial applicators ONLY put the category in which the applicator wants the credits applied by  selecting CO (core), 1A or 1B. For private applicators, always select CO (core).
Select "C" for Commerial Applicator
Select "P" for Private Applicator