Chip potato markets remain quiet. Business is steady. Chip companies are running plants primarily on contract potatoes. USDA’s Dec. 1 stocks report suggests total U.S. chip potato supplies are up from last year.
USDA reports that growers in storage states held 284.7 million cwt of potatoes on Dec. 1. That is 26.8 million cwt more than the year-earlier inventory, a 10.4% increase. That is the largest Dec. 1 potato inventory since 2000. The stocks included 12.5 million cwt of potatoes in Michigan, up 1.0 million cwt, or 8.7% from last year. The state’s reported June-November chip potato movement has been running 20.0% behind the 2022 pace, while table potato shipments are running 33.4% ahead of last year. Michigan’s early-season disappearance fell 5.5% short of year-earlier usage, to 7.0 million cwt.
Michigan seed authorities certified 2,642 acres of potatoes from the 2023 crop. That is 90 acres more than they certified a year ago, a 3.5% increase. The seed area for major chip potato varieties increased by 4.7%, to 2,033 acres. That included a 4.6% increase in the state’s Frito Lay seed area. The Manistee and Mackinaw seed area increased by 8.8% and 41.5%, respectively. On the other hand, the Lamoka seed area dropped by 34.0%. Michigan’s russet seed area increased by 13.9%, to 401 acres.
U.S. packers shipped 1.801 million cwt of table potatoes during the week ending Dec. 23. That is up from 1.574 million cwt shipped a year earlier. Michigan packers shipped 33,745 cwt of potatoes during the week ending Dec. 23. That is down from 53,030 cwt during the same week in 2022. Last week’s Michigan shipments were 67.3% russets, 17.3% yellow potatoes, 8.0% red potatoes, and 7.3% round White potatoes.
The USDA reports that Michigan packers are selling size A russets in 10-pound bags for $11.50-$14.75 per 50-pound bale, unchanged from last week. They are selling size A russets in 5-pound bags for $12.50-$15.75 per 50-pound bale, also unchanged. Wisconsin packers are selling size A russet potatoes in 10-pound bags for mostly $9-$10 per 50-pound bale, down from $9-$10.50 per 50-pound bale a week ago. They are selling russet 40-70 count cartons for mostly $11-$13 per 50-pound box, unchanged from last week. The weighted average shipping point price for Idaho Russet Norkotahs is $15.73 per cwt, unchanged from a week ago.
Wisconsin packers are selling 10/5-pound bales of size A yellow potatoes for mostly $16 per bale, unchanged from a week ago. They are selling 50-pound cartons of size A yellow potatoes for mostly $16.00 per 50-pound box, also unchanged. Red River Valley packers are selling size A yellow potatoes in 2,000-pound tote bags for mostly $22 per cwt, unchanged from last week. They are selling yellow creamers in 50-pound cartons for mostly $30 per 50-pound box, also unchanged.
– Report by North American Potato Market News