Harvest conditions have improved across eastern chip potato growing regions, including Michigan, this week. Growers are concentrating on getting the fall potato crop under cover. Chip companies are using field delivery contracts almost exclusively. Contract fulfillment is on schedule, though potato chip sales are in their usual post-Labor Day slump. The chip potato market is quiet.
US packers shipped 1.583 million cwt of table potatoes during the week ending September 12, 2020. That is down from 1.747 million cwt a year earlier. Michigan packers shipped 17,442 cwt of potatoes during the week ending September 12, 2020. That is down from 43,800 cwt during the same week in 2019. The 2020 week included Labor Day, while the corresponding week in 2019 was a full business week. Last week’s Michigan shipments were 69.0% Russets, 25.8% Round White potatoes and 5.2% Red potatoes.
Wisconsin packers are selling size A Russet potatoes in 10# bags for mostly $9.00-$10.00 per 50# bales unchanged from last week. They are selling 40-70 count Russet count cartons for mostly $16.50-$18.00 per 50# box, also unchanged for the week. The weighted average shipping point price for new-crop Idaho Russet Norkotahs is $15.70 per cwt. That is down from $16.21 per cwt a week ago.
Wisconsin packers are selling 10/5# bales of size A Yellow potatoes for mostly $18.00-$19.00 per bale, unchanged from last week.
Demand for Round White potatoes remains Very Light, both for Long Island and for Delaware. Delaware size A Round White potatoes in 2000# totes are selling for $18.50 per cwt. That is down from $20.50 per cwt a week ago. Long Island baled 10/5# size A Round White potatoes are selling for $12.00-$13.00 per 50# bale – no price reported last week.