Market Report September 21st, 2022

News Category: Market Reports
potato truck

Chip potato movement has slowed down, which is typical for September. Growers are focused on storing potatoes. Observers indicate that the Michigan potato crop is in good condition. Yields have been a little below earlier expectations. Quality has been good. 

Thunderstorms in Central Michigan have kept growers out of the field today, but they should be able to harvest again on Thursday. The weather has been a little warm. Cooler temperatures are expected after the storm clears out. The rest of the week looks good for harvesting potatoes with a chance of rain again on Saturday and Sunday. Harvest conditions have been mostly favorable in Wisconsin this week. 

US packers shipped 1.745 million cwt of table potatoes during the week ending September 17, 2022. That nearly matches the 1.744 million cwt shipped a year earlier. Michigan packers shipped 62,700 cwt of potatoes during the week ending September 17, 2022. That is up from 33,900 cwt during the same week in 2021. Last week’s Michigan shipments were 84.8% Russets and 15.2% Round White potatoes. 

Wisconsin packers are selling size A Russet potatoes in 10# bags for mostly $14.00-$15.00 per 50# bale, down from $14.00-$15.50 per 50# bale last week. They are selling Russet 40-70 count cartons for mostly $34.00-$37.00 per 50# box, down from $34.00-$40.00 per 50# box a week ago. The weighted average shipping point price for Idaho Russet Norkotahs is $37.13 per cwt. That is down from $44.25 per cwt a week ago.

Big Lake and Central Minnesota packers are selling 2000# tote bags of size A Yellow potatoes for mostly $25.00 per cwt, unchanged from last week. Wisconsin packers are selling 10/5# bales of size A Yellow potatoes for mostly $16.00-$19.00 per bale, unchanged from a week ago. They are selling 50# cartons of size A Yellow potatoes for mostly $16.00-$19.00 per 50# box, also unchanged.